
Detox. De-stress. Rejuvenate!

Heal and Revitalize your Vagina with V-Steam
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Yoni Steams are also known as “v-steams”, “vaginal steams”, or “pelvic steams”.

A Yoni steam session gently and effectively cleanses the uterus of any lining that was not released during the previous menstrual cycle and eliminates many issues dealing with menstruation, fertility and menopause. The healing steam and oils from the medicinal plants will aid your body in clearing old uterine membranes and restoring homeostasis.

The moist heat of the steam bath is beneficial for women as it supports and softens the womb and the surrounding tender tissues, increases blood flow in the pelvis and cleans out the uterus. Steams are very effective at enhancing fertility and assisting in postpartum recovery.

We use organic and medicinal herbs that are known to aide in menstrual pain and complications, increase fertility, treat uterine fibroids, cysts, prolapse, endometriosis, and hemorrhoids. The V-steam also speeds postnatal healing, relieves chronic yeast infections, menopause symptoms, cleanses the body of toxins and stress.

Yoni Menu of Services

All of our Yoni Room services includes a hot herbal tea that will compliment your service.

PLEASE NOTE - YOU MAY NOT STEAM while menstruating, if you’re pregnant or think you might be pregnant, have an Intrauterine Device (IUD), or have an active infection, sores or blisters.


Our Selection of Beneficial Herbs

LAVENDER: relieve stress, treat insomnia, nervous stomach and anxiety. Promotes restful sleep. Soothes stomach bloating. Antibacterial & antimicrobial. Inflame passions as an aphrodisiac.

HOLY BASIL: "Queen of Herbs" is an adaptogen (anti-stress agent) that balances hormones, benefits immune, reproductive & urinary systems, protects organs and tissues from chemical agents/ heavy metals, relieve headaches & muscle tension.

CALENDULA: Prevent and relax abdominal & PMS cramps, promote ease of menstruation and alleviate hot flashes, anti-inflammatory, heal ulcers, improve skin firmness, anti-microbial & anti-viral, may discourage cancer.

YARROW: "The Women's Herb" specializes in the reproductive and urinary systems and will both staunch heavy bleeding and stimulate scanty bleeding. Relieves menstrual pain. Assists vaginal infections, discharge and spotting between cycles. Urinary anti-septic & remedy for cystitis and urinary tract infections. Improve blood circulation, tones blood vessels & prevent blood clots, stimulate digestion, move congested blood and support the liver.

BLACK COHOSH: Traditional Native American remedy. Anti-inflammatory that eases PMS, relieves menstrual cramps & irregularities. Relieves multiple symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, irritability, mood swings and sleep disturbances. Studies show black cohosh produces positive results when compared to benefits of traditional estrogen replacement therapy during menopause.

MOTHERWORT: Healer of the Heart. Cardio tonic which calms palpitations, high blood pressure and anxiety, traditionally given to young pregnant mothers. Nervine tonic which relaxes nervous system, resulting in an elevated mood. Anti-spasmodic muscle relaxant (relieves cramps), decrease blood clotting, brings balance to hyperthyroidism. Assists sleep cycles.
MUGWORT: NEVER to be used by pregnant women. Nervine which relaxes the uterus will ease and stimulate (late) menstruation, helping to restore a natural cycle. Expel parasites, relax nervous system. 

ROSEMARY: Longevity. Lower cortisol levels and reduce anxiety when used aromatically (not topically in an oil). Treat muscle pain. May prevent cancer cells from replicating, halting tumors from growing. Stop hair loss. Antioxidant that protects cells from damage by free radicals and toxins.

MEXICAN OREGANO: Not to be confused with traditional Oregano. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-microbial. Support late and irregular menstrual cycles. Anti-spasmodic will sooth PMS pain.

LEMON BALM: Soothe menstrual cramps, relieve PMS symptoms including nausea, gas/bloating and will relax bladder and uterus spasms. Anti-viral.

MARSHMALLOW: Treat urinary infections and bladder infections. Induces phagocytosis, a process that supports cells to engulf bacteria & dead cell tissues to speed up the healing process.

DONG QUAI: "Female ginseng" & Protector of Feminine Health. Balances estrogen levels and regulates menstrual cycles. Increase libido levels and fertility. Anti-spasmodic which relieves symptoms of PMS including cramping, mood swings & discomfort. Increase circulation & detoxify the blood - boosting energy levels after menstruation and relieving headaches and muscle pain. Lessen anxiety & stress associated with menopause. Heart tonic and skin purifier, assisting with psoriasis, rosacea & more. *not to be used for pregnant women

RED CLOVER: Reduces hot flashes in menopausal women, slow bone loss and increase bone density in pre/peri- menopausal women. Contains isoflavones (plant-derived estrogen) which relieve PMS symptoms. May block enzymes that promote endometrial cancer.

UTI Herbs and Uses

CORNSILK: Anti-inflammatory for urinary tract infections (UTI), coating the urinary tract lining and thwarting infection. Reduces the risk of bacteria build up by creating the urge to urinate and flushing out the urinary tract.

DAMIANA: "Ancient and erotic Aztec remedy for sexual health. Aphrodesiac which improves blood circulation to sex organs, increases libido, potency and frequency of vaginal orgasms. Reduces vaginal dryness. Balance menopause symptoms.

ROSE PETALS: Worldwide symbol of Love & Sensuality. Boosts the immune system and is anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant for UTI prevention and treatment. Cleanses blood. Raises our vibration and enhances positivity of the mind. Reduces menstrual pain. Calms nerves and eases stress & tension.
UVA URSI: Healing humans since the 2nd century. Aids UTI’s and bladder infections. Is a diuretic, astringent and muscle-relaxant. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which fight kidney infections. Anti-septic which protects the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Anti-fungal. Soothes stomach cramping.

PAU D'ARCO BARK: Native to the Amazon Rainforest, has been used for 1000’s of years as an immune system stimulant. Reduces inflammation. Powerful anti oxidant & destroyer of free radicals. Slows down the aging process. Anti-viral & anti-fungal.

DANDELION LEAF: Herbal cure-all wonder that is making her comeback. Liver detox which eliminates harmful toxins. Diuretic which assists the kidneys in clearing out urinary system while replacing lost potassium. Antioxidant which prevents free radical damage to cells and DNA.

Benefits of Yoni Steam

Healing after birth or miscarriage

Relief from menstrual cramps

Increased circulation for fertility

Relief for vaginal dryness and menopause symptoms

How often should I V-steam?

NORMAL CYCLES: If you have consistent, pain free cycles, it is recommended that vaginal steam be done once every three months just before menses.

MENSTRUAL DISORDERS: Women who suffer from cramping, pain, bloating or fatigue during menstruation should steam every other day the week before menstruation and once after your cycle ends. To aid in completely shedding of uterine lining, it is also recommended that you drink two cups of oregano tea for three days before cycle begins. (This is available in our Team Room)

FERTILITY CHALLENGES: Women who are experiencing fertility difficulties should steam once per week, and twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear. Healing takes time, you should expect to steam for three months before seeing results. 

For women with long term fertility issues and are trying to conceive, it is recommend doing a steam every other day all cycle long.

POSTPARTUM: It is recommended that a healthy woman with a natural birth would have three steams within the first nine days postpartum. Postpartum steaming helps to make sure all the fluids of birth have flowed out of the body and facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding).
MENOPAUSE: Yoni steam is recommended a few times a year in the during menopause and to ensure that the uterine membrane is very clean when it stops menstruating.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU STEAM- You will be required to fill out a health intake form. 

YOU MAY NOT STEAM while menstruating, if you’re pregnant or think you might be pregnant, have an Intrauterine Device (IUD), or have an active infection, sores or blisters.

One on one consultations are available for guidance on optimal menstrual health.
Intake Form
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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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